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dc.creatorWalters, Paul
dc.descriptionLetter from Paul Walters to Mr. Monnig discussing future of Holbrook meteorite specimens.
dc.relationOscar Monnig Papers (MS 124)
dc.rightsPrior written permission from TCU Special Collections required to use any document or photograph.
dc.sourceSeries III, Box 06, Deport Iron, 1933-1977 folder
dc.subjectDuncanville (Tex.)
dc.subjectWalters, Paul
dc.titleLetter to Mr. Monnig from Paul Walters, October 9, 1978
dc.description.transcription10-9-1978 Dear Mr. Monnig: I am sorry that it has taken me so long to write and thank you for the excellent lunch we had at the Fort Worth mens club. Also, I was very grateful for the several hours you were able to spend with me. What really put the icing on the cake was the chance to see so many of your fine meteorite specimens and to visit with you at TCU University where the meteorites are now located for posterity. I gained a great education about meteorites and their surface appearances from falling on the earth at different time intervals. It is my great desire to hopefully visit with you many more time at future dates. As a very good friend, I just wanted you to know how much those hours with you meant to me. I am enclosing a copy about the Duncanville, Texas meteorite find me were talking about during my visit with you. You will find the copy quite dark, but it was the best copy the Dallas public library could make for me. You will proably [probably] need a large magnifying glass to be able to read the small print. I need one to help me read the article. Since I have returned to work after my energy, I have been extremely busy which has prevented me from writing to you at an earlier date. I feel a lot stronger and I believe my surgery has helped alleviate the problem I was having quite a lot. I went to the doctor for a post operative check up yesterday and he feels my problem will still improve more as the scar tissue and prostate gland reduces in size and swelling over a period of time. There was one question I wanted to ask you when I last visited with you, but forgot to talk to you about the question in Fort Worth. The question concerns the Holbrook, Arizona meteorite specimens. My main concern is that I hope that I am not stepping out of line when I ask you the question. In the future, when you officially retire from meteorite hunting and I have returned the present specimens on loan to me to your collection, it concerns me that I will have no fresh looking metorite [meteorite] specimen to show people what I am looking for on furture [future] fireball hunts in the years to come. My question is would it be possible for me to acquire from you one or two small Holbrook specimens for show and sell purposes at future dates? I have never ask this question because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings or have you think less of me for doing so. However, I did want to ask you before you turned all of them over to TCU and because fresh specimens have not turned up on last two fireball hunts. Please feel free to tell me exactly what your feelings would be about obtaining a specimen or two. If you do not desire to do so I will understand perfectly. Again I hope you do not have your feelings hurt by me asking the question about the Holbrook specimens. I hope that Mrs Monnig and you are feeling fine and enjoying the cooler weather. We do need some good rains for our yards and shrubs in our yards. It will be nice to hear from you at your earliest convenience. Thank you again for one excellent time I had with you in Fort Worth. Sincerely, Paul Walters P.S. Another question is what are your plans for your files on fireballs and meteorite finds you have accumulated over the years? I would like to compliment you on keeping such good records and documentations over the years about meteorites & fireball sightings.

Files in this item

This item appears in the following Collection(s)
  • Records of the Monnig Meteorite Gallery [2366]
    The files are arranged alphabetically, usually according to the location of discovery of the meteorite. The files contain correspondence and research material on the meteorites in the collection.

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