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dc.creatorAllam S. R.
dc.creatorFisher A. M.
dc.creatorSchlauch D.
dc.description.abstractWe read with great interest ¿Inpatient COVID-19 Outcomes in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients Compared to Non-Solid Organ Transplant Patients: A Retrospective Cohort¿ by Avery et al. The authors compared outcomes of 45 solid organ transplant recipients with 2427 non-transplant patients admitted with COVID-19 at Johns Hopkins medical system finding no differences in outcomes between the groups and concluded that SOT status does not portend adverse outcome from COVID-19.
dc.publisherJohn Wiley and Sons Inc
dc.sourceAmerican Journal of Transplantation
dc.subjectclinical research/practice
dc.subjecthealth services and outcomes research
dc.subjectinfection and infectious agents ¿ viral
dc.subjectinfectious disease
dc.subjectorgan transplantation in general
dc.subjectpatient survival
dc.subjectregistry/registry analysis
dc.titleCOVID-19 in SOT versus non-SOT
dc.rights.licenseCC BY-NC-ND 4.0
local.collegeBurnett School of Medicine
local.departmentBurnett School of Medicine
local.personsAllam (SOM)

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