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dc.creatorGross M. M.
dc.creatorGear J. E.
dc.creatorSepponen W. M.
dc.description.abstractSurface anatomy is an important skill for students in preparation for patient care, and peer examination is often used to teach musculoskeletal and surface anatomy. An alternative pedagogical approach is to use bodies represented in artworks. Represented bodies display fictive anatomy, providing students with the opportunity to apply their musculoskeletal knowledge and to think critically when evaluating the anatomical fidelity of a represented body. An elective course at the University of Michigan enabled undergraduate students to analyze the musculoskeletal and surface anatomy depicted in Renaissance artworks. Students traveled to Italy in 2018 (n = 14) and 2022 (n = 15) to analyze the fictive anatomy portrayed in artistic sculptures and musculoskeletal structures depicted in wax anatomy models and sculpted skeletons. In assignments, students were asked to identify musculoskeletal structures as portrayed in the context of represented anatomy created by Italian Renaissance artists and to assess the fidelity of the depicted anatomy. The students also applied their knowledge of musculoskeletal anatomy to describe body position and evaluate muscle function in their assessments of the accuracy or inaccuracy of the fictive anatomy. The students reported that evaluating the anatomical fidelity of represented bodies in artworks supported their learning of musculoskeletal and surface anatomy, and that their critical thinking skills improved in the course. Evaluation of the anatomical fidelity of represented bodies in artworks is an effective pedagogical approach that can be implemented in art museums as an adjunctive learning experience to deepen students' musculoskeletal and surface anatomy knowledge and further develop their critical thinking skills. ¿ 2023 The Authors. Anatomical Sciences Education published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Association for Anatomy.
dc.publisherJohn Wiley and Sons Inc
dc.sourceAnatomical Sciences Education
dc.subjectanatomy education
dc.subjectart-based pedagogy
dc.subjectarts-based learning
dc.subjectmusculoskeletal anatomy
dc.subjectRenaissance art
dc.subjectstudy abroad
dc.subjectsurface anatomy
dc.subjectundergraduate education
dc.titleUsing represented bodies in Renaissance artworks to teach musculoskeletal and surface anatomy
dc.rights.licenseCC BY-NC-ND 4.0
local.collegeCollege of Fine Arts
local.personsSepponen (ART)

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