dc.description.transcription | Catalogue of Texas Meteorites 591 Described: Whitfield, J. E., and Merrill, G. P., Amer. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., vol. 36, pp. 113-119. 1888. (Analysis by I. E. Whitfeld.) Specimens: British Museum, 12,401, 132, and 6 gm.; Field Museum, 10,985, 2934, 5556, 7483, and 8619 gm.; Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1108.3, *415, *347, 12,318, 48.8, 3176, 194.7, 121.3, 80.6, and 18.3 gm.; Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas, 8 kg.; Vienna Nat. Hist. Mus., 258 gm.; Univ. of Minn. Mus., 7.25 kg.; U. S. Nat. Mus, 8953 gm.; Harvard Min. Mus., 8040 gm.: Weidhaas Collection, 816. 32, and 28 gm.; Texas Observers Collection, 13.5 kg. and 174 and 5 gm Borne, Kendall County. Found: 1884. Weight: 2.5 Ib. (1.1 kg.) known. (Two stones said to have been found weighing 34 and 22.7 kg.) Stone. Chondrite. Described: Not yet described. Specimen: U. S. Nat. Mus., 800 gm. Borne. See Kendall County. Brady, McCulloch County. Found: 1937. Weight: 2 1b. (09 kg.), one stone. Stone. Described: Not yet described. Specimen: Nininger Collection. Brazos. See Red River. Brazos River. See Wichita County. Brownfield, Terry County. Found: 1937. Weight: 0.72 lb. (325 gm.), two stones. Stone. Described: Net yet described. Specimen: Nininger Collection; U. S. Nat. Mus., 25 gm. Burkett, Coleman County. Found: October, 1913. Weight: 18.4 lb. (8.4 kg.). Iron. Coarse octahedrite. Described: Not yet described. Specimens: Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 3071, 2773, 833. *826. *324. and ° 182 gm.; specimen in Nininger Collection; U. S. Nat. Mus., 823 gm. Carlton, Hamilton County. Found: 1887. Weight: 179 lb. (81.4 kg.). Iron. Fine octahedrite (Cohen: finest octahedrite). Described: Howell, E. E., Amer. Jour. Sei., 3d ser., vol. 10, pp. 223-226. 1890. (Analysis by L. G. Eakins.) Specimens: Field Museum, 3106, 3175, and 2721 gm.; Vienna Nat. Hist. Mus., 71/2 kg. (Brezina lists 131. 147. 413, 277, and 5 gm): Harvard 592 The University of Texas Publication No. 3945 Min. Mus., 3284 gm.; U. S. Nat. Mus., 1420 gm.; British Museum, 6180 gm. (Cohen lists Vienna, 6986 gm.; Ward, 5592 gm.; Chicago, 3406 gm., and Brezina, 500 gm.); Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 4256.9, *3853, 5570, 654.5, 52.3, *19.8, 9.5, and 4.5 gm.; Nininger Collection, 1305 gm.; Texas Observers Collection, 50 gm. Carlton-Hamilton. See Carlton. Cedar, Fayette County. Found: 1890 or 1900. Weight: Originally described, 3 stones, 16.6 lb. (7.53 kg.), 12.2 lb. (5.53 kg.), and 2.75 lb. (1.25 kg.). Find of 1936, 25.44 Ib. (11.54 kg.). Stone. Veined spherulitic chondrite. Described: Merrill, G. P., U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 54, pp. 557-561, 1,918 Specimens: U. S. Nat. Mus., 2.8 kg. of 5.53-kg. stone; Baylor University, Waco, Texas, 1.64 kg.; main mass Ward's Nat. Sci. Estab.; Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas, 11.54 kg., one stone; Nininger Collection, slice. Channing, Hartley County. Found: 1936. Weight: 33.75 Ib. (15.3 kg.), one broken stone. Stone. Described: Not yet described. Specimens: In Nininger and Gillespie Collections; U. S. Nat. Mus., 1528 gm.; Field Museum 623 gm.; Floyd V. Studer Collection, Panhandle Plains Historical Society Museum, 81 gm. Chico Mountain. See Alpine. Clarendon. See Palo Duro. Cleburne, Johnson County. Found: About 1907. Recognized: 1934. Weight: 14.6 Ib. (6.6 kg.). Iron. Octahedrite. Described: Not yet described. Specimen: Texas Observers Collection. Coahuila, Mexico (Fort Duncan, Maverick County). Found: 1882. Weight: 97 Ib. (44 kg.). Iron. Hexahedrite. Described: Hidden, W. E., Amer. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., vol. 32, pp. 304-306, Specimens: Vienna, 13,029 gm.; British Museum, 4520 gm.; v. Braun, 3025 gm.; Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 291 gm.; Vienna Nat. Hist. Mus. (Brezina reports) 99 and 183 gm.; U. S. Nat. Mus., 258 and 116 gm.; Harvard Min. Mus., 331 and 56 gm.; Field Museum, 104, 434, and 12 gm.; Nininger Collection, 383-gm. slice. 590 The University of Texas Publication No. 3945 Alpine, Brewster County; "Chico" Mountain. Found: 1915. Weight: About 2 tons. Iron. Nickel-poor ataxite. Described: Merrill, G. P., U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol, 61, art. 4, 4 pp. 2 figs.. 1922. (Analyzed by J. E. Whitfield.)Specimens: U. S. Nat. Mus.. 173 gm.; rest on south side of "Chico" Mountain (Chisos Mountains) Austin. See Denton County. Austina. See Wichita County. Avoca. See Tulia. Ballinger, Runnels County. Found: 1927. Weight: 2.7 1b. (1.25 kg.). Iron. Granular hexahedrite. Described: Nininger, H. H., Jour. Geol., vol. 37, pp. 88-90. 1929. (Analysis by F. G. Hawley.) Specimens: U. S. Nat. Mus., 470 gm.: Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas, 80 gm.; Harvard Min. Mus., complete slice; Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 73.4 gm.; Field Museum, 53 and 70 gm. Nininger Collection, 120 gm. Bartlett, Bell County. Recognized: 1938. Weight: 18.94 lb. (8.59 kg.). Iron. Octahedrite. Described: Not yet described. Specimen: Dept. of Geology, The University of Texas. Blanket, Brown County. Fell: 10:30 P.M., May 30, 1909. Weight: 11.25 lb. (5.1 kg.). Stone. Described: Not yet described. Two stones figured in Catalogue of Meteorites of the Field Museum, 1916. Specimens: Field Museum, two stones, 1557 and 1516 m.: U. S. Nat. Mus., 1 stone, 1815 gm.; Nininger Collection, 185 gm.; Texas Ob. servers Collection, 75 gm. Bluff, Fayette County. Found: 1878. Weight: 320 lb. (145 kg.), find of 1878. Two additional stones since found, about 30 lb. (13.5 kg.) and 17.1 lb. (8 kg.). Stone. Veined or brecciated, crystalline hypersthene-chondrite. 'Mr. R. W. Miller, supervisor of a unit of the Works Progress Administration paleontologie mineralogie survey sponsored by the Bureau of Economie Geology, has seen the main mass of this meteorite upon two different occasions, It is located in Juniper Canson of the Chisos Mountains of southern Brewster County, about 80 miles south of Alpine. There is a possibility that this meteorite is now covered by talus and will not be relocated. | |